4(I,II=picc,III,IV=bfl).4.4(III,IV=bcl).2.2- cym/2spring dr/crot/tom-t(hi,med,lo)/BD/timbales(hi)/3cowbells(muted)/susp.cym(hi,med,lo)/tam-t/vib/ machine-harp(2)-sample kbd-2pft-strings(; additionally required: 2 screens for film projection
This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
Composer's Notes:
JEDER (Everyone) is a homage in sound, text, and image (film: Andreas Brehmer) to the soloist Theo Nabicht, who is considered one of the best contrabass-clarinet players in the world. In terms of compass and possibilities, the contrabass clarinet is like a "small orchestra" and for all that still not completely explored. Theo Nabicht is a border crosser, who has dedicated himself to its complete "discovery."
The composition is based on recordings of the soloist’s noise improvisations, which have been transcribed for orchestra. In this manner, the orchestra in places becomes a kind of meta-contrabass clarinet.
Iris ter Schiphorst

Press quote:
" the end of the festival, an immersion into something that sometimes fell behind at Eclat this year: the fantastic world of absolute music."  
Susanne Benda, Stuttgarter Nachrichten 5.2.2018



JEDER  (2016/17) (Co-Composer Uros Rojko)

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