3(III=picc)3.3(III=bcl).3- cym; II=lg cym/BD/SD/cowbell; III=med cym/med tom-t-harp-strings
This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.

Press quote:
„ A week ago, the Proms saw the world première of a new work by no fewer than 14 composers. Conceived by conductor Martyn Brabbins as a 60th birthday present to himself, the piece is inspired by, and modelled on, the structure and character of Elgar’s Enigma Variations. For this new work, Pictured Within: Birthday Variations for M. C. B., Brabbins selected a theme (keeping its origin a secret) as the basis for fourteen variations ….
Iris ter Schiphorst rather brilliantly renders the tune sweet and ominous at the same time, making its character feel wonderfully conflicted, enhanced by the restraint shown by the rest of the orchestra.”
February 5, 2020, by 5:4 in Festivals, Premieres

“Space does not allow to detail all 14 variations, but they all engaged the ear and held it – meaningfully. I was specially attracted by Variation 5 (Iris ter Schiphorst) who uses 2 themes contrapuntally.”
Jill Barlow – St Albans, Aug 18 2019

 “…Iris ter Schiphorst gave us the solid ‘boomph’ of a great machine contrasting with ethereal strings for the fifth variation.”
published: 15 Aug 2019 in Reviews

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